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The structures in this panorama from left to right:
The dome at the extreme left is from the Church of St. Andrea della Valle, scene of the first act of Puccini’s Tosca. The spiral steeple is the Church of St. Ivo della Sapienza, the 17th century masterpiece of Francesco Borromini, the renowned architect and rival of Bernini. In the foreground is the Church of San Carlino on the Via del Corso. In the distance on the Gianicolo hill is the Church of San Pietro in Montorio, the site of Bramante’s early Renaissance masterpiece, the Tempietto. The large palace in the center in the distance is the Ministry of Justice, affectionately termed il Palazzaccio, by the Romans. And finally on the right is St. Peter’s Basilica, the tallest building in Rome, designed by Michelangelo in the 16th century, and accompanied to the right by the expanse of the Vatican apartments, residence of the Pope and seat of the Vatican museums.Technical Data
Unlike your average digital camera this image is comprised of over a quarter billion pixels. This panorama was constructed with 25, 12 megapixel images stitched together. I have utilized Hubble Telescope style image processing to reduce optical aberrations such as vignetting, barrel distortion, chromatic and other geometric defects. These images were then matched up, blended, warped and stitched together to render a highly detailed and seamless panorama of Rome. The native image is in fact over 50 feet wide without any enlargement or loss of detail. The original data file is 4 gigabytes of data at a single layer.